16 months… or has it been 7 years

So… life and death in the times of Covid. I knew it would suck but fuuuuuuck it has been tough – though it’s been tough for everyone.

Where to start then… well as I’m single still I suppose we could start with my ridiculous record during this time.

1 – BLM – starting with the protests following the murder of George Floyd my inner activist came out and I started posting a shit load online (not here clearly). This led to a date with someone that I had known for a few years but nothing had ever happened on that front – she seemed impressed by my allyship though. Well we went out for dinner and it went very well and we agreed on a second meet. Until she proceeded to pepper me the next few days with anti-trans vitriol following a rant by the arsewipe that is Piers Morgan. Following some very polite rebuttals by me she went a step too far so I verbally unloaded on her and outright called her a bigot. Three Insta accounts were then required to be blocked.

2 – Irish – couple of dates with someone that I’ve known in the real world for a few years following her relocation to where I am. Dates went well but she ended up going quiet – not too angry at her though as she had just got out of a… messy relationship and thinking back maybe it was a touch too soon for her.

3 – Nazi? – met up with a girl off of Tinder (bleh). Got onto many subjects, she cringed at me having Jewish heritage and outright did a double take when I told her I was a socialist. She stated she was a @£$%& Nationalist. No idea what the first word was as I just went numb at the word Nationalist but she did state that some consider her views to be Nazi-esque. Date promptly ended by me and there was no second date.

4 – Ginge – this one hurt. Spoke to a girl from Scotland for 8 months and planned on moving up. We spoke numerous times of cute things we could do in the future. Spoke normally one night, the next morning she had blocked me on everything out of the blue – no warning and no reason provided.

So it seems I either go with absolute horror shows or people who end up getting bored of me? Not sure what it is about me but maybe it’s for the best. (could be the face HAHA)

Think we’ll leave it there for the day – my shit show of a love life is enough. I will catch you up on the all of the mental anguish of Covid another day. Bye for now.

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.

E. Hemingway

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